Thursday, March 02, 2023

I dare me

Saw a silly thing on Facebook. It's a comment on people who don't know about design stuff making silly suggestions to change designers' work. 

 Yes, I've been in this situation. 

 Anyway, the example being "improved" is a classic piece of design by Milton Glaser. 

It's also in a simple-ish style that I can kind-of mimic, so I thought I'd give the silly suggestions a serious attempt. Kind-of serious. 

 The original. Classic, of course.
The instructions. Funny? Maybe a little bit. I added the checkmarks.

 My version. 

It's not as good as Milton's, but it's not as bad as some things. Still awful, compared to the original.


Mark Simonson said...
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Mark Simonson said...

I saw this a little while back, too. Your version is hilarious.

Have you seen the new Milton Glaser: Pop book? It's the best Glaser book I've seen since the classic one that was published in the '70s. Way more comprehensive overview of his work, seems like almost everything, although I'm sure it's not. Reminds me of what a giant he was in illustration and graphic design. Today, it seems like he's only remembered for the Dylan poster and I heart NY.

Mark Simonson said...

(P.S., I needed to fix a typo in my original comment, so that's why it's deleted. Seemingly there is no way to edit once you post. Have there been any updates to Blogger since the 2000s?)

David Steinlicht said...

Mark, I haven't seen the Pop book. Yes, he had his fingers in so many pies for so long, it's almost impossible to get my brain around what he accomplished. His magazine and book cover designs are amazing. His illustrations are amazing.

As for the health of Blogger ... it's past it's sell-by date for sure. But for some reason, I feel more comfortable posting this kind of stuff here than I do posting it on FaceBook.

Mark Simonson said...

You could use Wordpress. I've been using it for my Lampoon site since 2017 when my old blogging CMS, MoveableType was no longer getting updates. WP isn't perfect, but it's pretty reliable. I wish it was easier to customize the design. MT let me do whatever I wanted. That's my only complaint. You may recall that Cartoonist's Conspiracy runs on WP, too.